As many of you will be aware, The Animal Health Trust (AHT) announced in July that they were closing their doors after months of trying to raise the funding needed to keep them going.
What you may not be aware of, is that this is where it all began for ACD Project’s founder, Alex Darvill.
In 1993 Alex was project manager on the Animal Health Trust’s new centre – a project for which he was later awarded National Project Manager of the Year.
Alex loved this experience, relishing the intricacies and specialist nature of building for animals. He formed great relationships with his clients and after 4 years of virtually living on the site, Dr Keith Barnett OBE encouraged him to cross over the fence from the contractors side, and work for vets!
The site even forms some of Nicola’s (Alex’s daughter who now also works for the firm), earliest memories – playing in the grounds with their Golden Retriever and searching for lost golf balls and wild mushrooms whilst Alex attended meetings.
The Animal Health Trust employed more than 250 staff and celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2017. So, whilst we are very sad to see this is amazing charity close, we are extremely grateful for what it has done for us. Without the AHT, there would be no ACD.
The AHT Lecture Theatre Visitor Centre Visitor Centre Linnear Accelerator bunker Linear Accelerator Concrete pour for Linac Aerial View AHT Operating Theatre Small Animal Hospital