Omunakwe (‘Kwe) Oguguo

Architectural Technologist

‘Kwe has a Bachelor of Technology and an MSc in Architecture. He has had over 14 years’ experience in the UK, five of which were spent in the telecommunications industry, working on 3G, 4G and 5G projects for Huawei, Nokia, Vodafone and others.

In addition to the telecoms sector, ‘Kwe’s experience has been in veterinary, equine, residential, educational, and aviation.

He enjoys taking projects right through from survey stage, through initial design, planning stage, detailed design and specification, and finally through to handover.

‘Kwe’s main strength lies in paying particular attention to details, especially during the detailed design phase of a project.

In his spare time ‘Kwe enjoys going running and cycling with his family. He is very creative outside of work too, spending time designing and sewing dresses, designing bespoke furniture, sketching and abstract painting (using pastels, water colour and oil paints).

‘Kwe is a very cheerful and easy going person and his laugh often brightens up the office!