New article in Vet Times!


New article in Vet Times!

Have you seen our latest article in the Veterinary Times magazine? If not, make sure you have a read on their website:

Building veterinary practices: for pets and people

Have you seen our latest article in this month’s Veterinary Business Journal? Turn to page 8 to read about budgeting, making an entrance, and creating positive environments for your staff, clients and of course their animals!

Ready for a Refurb? Ready for a Refurb?

Ready for a Refurb?

Ready for a Refurb? Fate, with a helping hand from a vet, is responsible for the rise of veterinary building management company ACD Projects. After completing an early build back in 1994, an eminent vet not only praised the company for delivering a practice that was ‘a delight to work in, a fantastic building, on

Building for your Bunnies

How does your rabbitry perform?… Is it designed to protect your rabbits from a spreading disease?… If they are in shared pens, made of disease harbouring materials, or the air flow is not specifically designed for the building, your rabbits and guinea pigs could be at risk. This is exactly what happened at Animals in

Cooler practices make for hotter profits Cooler practices make for hotter profits

Cooler practices make for hotter profits

Working in a veterinary practice in hot weather can be unpleasant and a hot environment can also be challenging for patients. Veterinary building specialist ACD Projects has seen the problem affect many types of practices – both those that have not been modernised in the last 15- 20 years and those built more recently on